Strawberry Fields Forever - Take 7 vs. Take 26

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Detroit Rock Citizen, Feb 15, 2020.

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  1. webmatador

    webmatador Friend Of The People

    Austin, TX, USA
    Take 1 will always be my favorite. The harmony vocals alone make this essential. Every other take is gravy -- and man -- that's some good gravy.
  2. Stan94

    Stan94 Senior Member

    Paris, France
    Side one : take 7 (part 1)
    Side two : take 26 (part 2)
    Ryan Lux likes this.
  3. Onder

    Onder Senior Member

    It was "eliminated".
    What you're refering to is not John Barrett's mix. It's his copy of vintage mono mix (RM9). It features John's original vocal overdub onto take 26.
    John re-did the vocal later erasing the original vocal in process. And while doing so he didn't bother to sing the first verse again (just a fragment of it as can be heard on Pepper SDE) as by this time it was decided to join the two versions and Take 7 was going to be used for the first verse.
    slane likes this.
  4. Detroit Rock Citizen

    Detroit Rock Citizen RetroDawg Digital Thread Starter

    Your Welcome!
  5. Detroit Rock Citizen

    Detroit Rock Citizen RetroDawg Digital Thread Starter

    Flip Flopper o_Oo_Oo_Oo_O:edthumbs:
  6. cjh

    cjh Forum Resident

    7 is too slow, 26 too fast.

    Take 1!
  7. The Elephant Man

    The Elephant Man Forum Resident

    Ok. But he did sing the first verse on Take 26. So at the beginning of the 'remaking' process
    SFF was going to be its own version. After redoing the vocals on the remake, maybe
    he decided not to sing it...but not at the beginning.
    I have both versions: the original mono mix (RM9) and the version without the first lines
    on a disc and that's okay by me. They've been slotted into their proper places
    on my '200 versions of SFF' and that's all that matters to me.
  8. Big Pasi

    Big Pasi Forum Resident

    Vaasa, Finland
    Take 26.
    But I prefer a bootlegged version that I have. Which runs at slower speed. Heavy!! :righton:
  9. thehatandbeard

    thehatandbeard Forum Resident

    I love it just as it is.
  10. Tom in Houston

    Tom in Houston Forum Resident

    I like Take 4 the most. It's John adding the first vocal to the new instrumental track. No processing is being applied to his voice. He sounds like John from the Hard Day's Night era singing Strawberry Fields Forever.

    The instrumental track makes it to final release, but the vocal is redone, compressed and doubled, by the time Take 7 is finished.

    Anyway, I would have to say I vote for Take 7
    Chris M and NumberEight like this.
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