The History of Compact Disc thread. Information wanted.

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by innercircle, Jul 8, 2006.

  1. Mal

    Mal Phorum Physicist

    For Compact Disc audio, there are 12 16-bit PCM audio samples per frame encoded in the data stream (for disc mastering, split into 8-bit blocks, interleave and add parity data, add subcode data, EFM and add sync and merging bits).

    Prior to encoding, these raw 16-bit samples are in an alternating sequence for 2-channel mode:
    L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3, L4, R4, L5, R5, L6, R6

    Without having to change the frame format itself, you could have this as the input to the encoding scheme for 4-channel mode:
    FL1, FR1, RL1, RR1, FL2, FR2, RL2, RR2, FL3, FR3, RL3, RR3

    You would still have 12 16-bit PCM audio samples per frame, however it would only represent half of the playing time compared with the 2-channel mode.

    If you can read the data stream at twice the rate for 4-channel mode then you can deliver the four separate 16-bit PCM samples per sampling period to the DACs.

    The channel mode is flagged in the subcode which would enable correct playback for either 2-channel or 4-channel content.

    I don't know if this is what they envisioned (although they do refer to reduced playback time in 4-channel mode in the literature) but, aside from the extra DACs, it should only require a little extra circuitry on the digital side for a 4-channel player (the analogue side would require twice the circuitry, of course).

    If this is how they planned on achieving 4-channel playback, maybe they found that system tolerances at the time didn't allow for reliable enough double speed playback in practice or maybe there just wasn't the market incentive?
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2018
  2. Y9771

    Y9771 time traveller

    I think this thread might be the place to post this. Got a bunch of Czech-language magazines from 1982/1983 and found two short newsarticles that might be of interest to people here. Since I don't know the language, I leave them untranslated - copy/paste into google translate and see yourself the output. The older article is about introduction of CD, and newer one is about Supraphon/Denon commomerative event or something.

    Dvacetiletí spolupráce se společností Nippon Columbia připomenul Supraphon výstavkou v Divadle hudby, spojenou s přehrávkou digitálně nahraných a laserem zaznamenaných i snímaných CD desek. Na vernisáži 25. května, jíž byl přítomen i prezident Nippon Columbie Nobutaka Matsumura, zazněla část Dvořákovy Novosvětské v podání České filharmonie. Vedle jména japonské firmy nalezneme na etiketě této CD desky i znáček Supraphonu.
    ["Melodie", 6/1983]
    Novinka s názvem CD

    Značka CD už neznamená jen označení diplomatických vozidel, ale ve světě hudby a gramofonového průmyslu také novinku, které zřejmě bude patřitn budoucnost - kompaktní desku, tedy Compact Disc. Zatímco v Japonsku měla firma Sony přijít s přístrojem na trh už letos v říjnu u přiležitosti výstavy hifi v Tokiu, v Evropě se stari technické novinky, která má zahájit novou epochu na poli záznamu zvuku, očekává na jaře 1983. To už má být k dispozici okolo 250 titulů z produkce koncernu Polygram, tedy na značkách DGG, Phonogram a Metronome, a samozřejmě i přislušné přehrávače. Cena ovšem není nikterak malá - přebrávací přistroje mají stát kolem 2000 západoněmeckých marek, cena desek se má pohybovat mezi 32 až 36 markami za nahrávky zábavné hudby a mezi 36 až 42 markami za klasiku.
    Co je ale pokládáno na novém systému za nejcennějši, je skutečnost, že při přehrávání neruši žadný šum a ze všeho nejvíce to, že nedochazí k žadnému opotřebování desky. Signál z nové, jen dvanáct centimetrů v průměru velké digitální desky, která obsáhne až 60 minut nepřerušeného záznamu a nabízí tedy více než dosavadní alba, je, jak známo, přebírán laserovým paprskem. Pro rozlišení dosavadních desek od nových, lesklých CD kotoučů už také vymysleli název - černé desky.
    Systém CD byl vyvinut společně firmami Philips a Sony a nejdůležitějším krokem k jeho očekávanému rozšíření ve světě bylo, že se výrobcům podařilo získat k spolupráci celou řadu dalších firem. Tím však éra tradičních LP desek a hudebních kazet ještě zdaleka nekončí - podle odhadu odborníků budou vyráběny ještě nejméně deset až patnáct let.

    ["Melodie", 12/1982]
    MC Rag and Downsampled like this.
  3. soundboy

    soundboy Senior Member

    Happy Birthday, Compact Disc!!

    You're 37 years old today.
    andrewskyDE, stenway and apesfan like this.
  4. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    13 years later...what's happening?
    andrewskyDE likes this.
  5. Y9771

    Y9771 time traveller


    this is something that many people here have either never seen or haven't noticed

    it's very rarely found first Victor matrix font only found on 1984 pressings, not later
    have you ever seen it?
    later font was similar but a bit different, if you have any Victor pressings look and compare
    c-eling and superstar19 like this.
  6. Dave S

    Dave S Forum Resident

    Do you mean without the hyphens?
  7. Omnio

    Omnio _ _ _ ____ ____ _ _ _

    El Lay
    I wish they could sort of update the redbook standard to 24/88.2! Other than that I still love and enjoy my cd/dvd-a/sacd collection big time! I have a copy oof the first 50 titles tht were launched in Japan back in 82 and it still sounds sublime to these ears (when played back on a cd player that can decode pre-emphasis properly).
    MLutthans likes this.
  8. Y9771

    Y9771 time traveller

    No. The standard later font matrixes also were sometimes with hyphens sometimes without. Here the thing is that font is slightly different, also slightly smaller letters.
  9. soundboy

    soundboy Senior Member

    Happy 38th Birthday, Compact Disc!!
  10. c-eling

    c-eling Dinner's In The Microwave Sweety

    Thanks Dan!
    I'll celebrate by playing a cd single :)
    Smelly Jelly and superstar19 like this.
  11. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    14 years later...what's happening?
  12. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    it's amazing... 38 years! goes by too fast.
  13. soundboy

    soundboy Senior Member

  14. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    longdist01 and c-eling like this.
  15. stenway

    stenway Forum Resident

    It seems all physical formats are older than me, the only younger "format" is streaming lol :laugh: , funny because I don't pay or like for any streaming service.
    c-eling likes this.
  16. longdist01

    longdist01 Senior Member

    Chicago, IL USA
    38 years, Happy Birthday!

  17. I’m thinking about buying a Sony CDP-101 to celebrate!
  18. longdist01

    longdist01 Senior Member

    Chicago, IL USA
  19. Smelly Jelly

    Smelly Jelly Senior Member

    longdist01 likes this.
  20. Duophonic

    Duophonic Beatles

    I love discs! Long live discs!
  21. Black Elk

    Black Elk Music Lover

    Bay Area, U.S.A.
    Smelly Jelly and longdist01 like this.
  22. longdist01

    longdist01 Senior Member

    Chicago, IL USA
    remember picking up Telarcs CD "Pappa Doo Run Run" way back many interesting and cool stuff, and those disc players where solid built and heavy.
  23. MrRom92

    MrRom92 Forum Supermodel

    Long Island, NY
    Hi everyone, I’m curious where the 38DH discs fit into the history of CDs - were these also available at launch in 1982? I don’t see the 38DH catalog no. Present at all in an online list of the “first 50 CDs” however there are a few 35DH CDs. I see some goldfaced 38DH discs online though which indicates to me that they are also very early
  24. yasujiro

    yasujiro Senior Member

    38DHs shared the numbering with 35DHs. 38 denotes the market price and it is a digital recording.
    AFAIC, the earliest 38DH is 38DH-22, which means there was no 35DH-22.
    shaboo, soundboy, jfeldt and 3 others like this.
  25. MrRom92

    MrRom92 Forum Supermodel

    Long Island, NY
    I see, that makes sense! Thanks for the clarification on that :thumbsup:

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