The other side

Discussion in 'Audio Hardware' started by Grant, Nov 24, 2002.

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  1. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me! Thread Starter

    OK guys, due to the examples of a few CD-Rs of vinyl dubs some of you have sent me over the last few months, I have finally been convinced that vinyl can be better than I thought. I still hear surface noise on those vinyl rips, but with a good TT it is tolerable. I'm not abandoning digital, and I still prefer CD, but now I need to really upgrade my table ASAP!

    You got me! You have a new vinylphile. Now because of YOU guys and gals, I have to come up with the $$$.:realmad: ;)
  2. cunningham

    cunningham Forum Resident

    dallas, tx
    I have two turntables, both Rega's. A 25 with a rega super ellipse, and a newer 9 with a dynavector xx-2. I can play the same record on both, get surface noise on the 25 and dead silence on the 9. I understand that some cartridges are just quieter than others, I am not sure how or why, but I have found it to be true. Of course the dynavector also picks up a lot more detail than the rega cartridge.
  3. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Not to be a downer, but don't forget that your "phono stage" should be upgraded as well....

    It's only money....

  4. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me! Thread Starter

    Well, you know, I never thought my phono stage was bad at all. I gotta start somewhere. Going back to my old Shure was a start. now, I have to get a new table. That Music Hall looks attractive to me right now because of the price.
  5. cunningham

    cunningham Forum Resident

    dallas, tx
    Does a good phono stage "filter, or reduce" surface noise? I agree that it definetly adds to the quality of signal. The goods ones can outprice the tt's.
  6. cunningham

    cunningham Forum Resident

    dallas, tx
    Doe this table keep you in the mm cartridge range, or can it do justice to a mc?
  7. sgraham

    sgraham New Member

    Different types and sizes of styli can have a real effect on how much noise is picked up, depending on where in the groove they are riding (and the conventional wisdom that a long contact stylus will pick up less noise isn't always true; life's just too complicated...)

    Other parts of the system do not actually change the amount of surface noise that's picked up, but a system that has better dynamics, or a table with a lower noise floor itself, and so on, these things will help separate the music from the noise, and have the effect of lowering the perceived noise from the records.
  8. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me! Thread Starter


    That is a good attempt at explaining this I have read on this forum, and one I can use. Thanx
  9. Steve Hoffman

    Steve Hoffman Your host Your Host

    Well, a neutral phono stage will reduce the perceived noise by keeping the signal accurate AND on RIAA. Very important. Let the line stage and amps add some "glory" to the sound. The phono stage should be razor neutral.
  10. Ronflugelguy

    Ronflugelguy Resident Trumpet Geek

    Hey Grant< welcome to the "OTHER SIDE"!!!!!!!!!!:cheers: :cheers:
  11. cunningham

    cunningham Forum Resident

    dallas, tx
    Are you sure it is not the DarkSide"? "Luke, I am your father."
  12. Joel Cairo

    Joel Cairo Video Gort / Paiute Warrior Staff

    Portland, Oregon
    Thankfully, we didn't have to resort to cutting off Grant's hand with a lightsabre to make him see the light... :D

    Welcome to the jungle, young Jedi!!

  13. Beagle

    Beagle Senior Member

    Grant, it was for your own good. As a total music lover, you do not deserve to miss out on all the joys of music that there is to be had on the LP format.

    If everyone here can contribute one dollar, we could get Grant a decent phono front-end. :)
  14. JMCIII

    JMCIII Music lover first, audiophile second.

    Hey Grant,

    Welcome to the true audiophile hi-rez world. And just think, all thise used records that never will make it to CD will not only sound good, they'll be cheaper than CD's too. Best of both worlds.
  15. Gary

    Gary Nauga Gort! Staff

    Re: Re: The other side

    I'd contribute!

    But what would Grant do with a loonie in Arizona? :confused:
  16. John B

    John B Once Blue Gort,<br>now just blue.

    Toronto, Canada
    I recently listened to a good outboard phono pre-amp and turntable set-up through a forum friend. I am going to have to get my turntable out of the basement and do some work on it. I'm reminded of some things I never hear on a CD. I've just gotten lazy with the CD's convenience.
    Who knows, if you search for deals and get some direction from friends on the forum, you may start a love affair with vinyl.
  17. Grant

    Grant Life is a rock, but the radio rolled me! Thread Starter

    When I get it together, i'm counting on it! But, you all DO realize that I intend to capture that sound on good-ole CD! :)
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