Tiger King on Netflix

Discussion in 'Visual Arts' started by Bruce Racket, Mar 23, 2020.

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  1. daglesj

    daglesj Forum Resident

    Norfolk, UK
    The reason so many are enjoying this right now is ..."no matter how sh*tty I feel my life is right now...at least I'm not them!"

    Purrrfect timing.
  2. BEAThoven

    BEAThoven Forum Resident

    New Jersey
    I think the "genius" of these Netflix documentaries is surely the "truth is stranger than fiction" angle -- That is, it's not exactly what is being presented but how it is being presented.

    The pacing and storytelling is everything here and the writers know this -- they let the story unravel with a series of "WTFs."

    With a series like this, you're presented with a stream of events that that just keep outdoing each other. The audience reactions are set up as:

    "Well, that's crazy!" --> "What?! That's even crazier!" ---> "Oh man, now this guy?! This is completely insane!" --> "Holy c***!, WTF?! This is a total s***-show! What a cast of demented characters! This is all out of control!"
    ZoSoUK, mrjinks, turnersmemo and 8 others like this.
  3. Bruce Racket

    Bruce Racket Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Washington DC
    Agree 100%. It was perfectly paced and edited. Extremely well done to keep the viewer engaged.

    That was pretty much my reactions as the documentary unfolded. :D
    bpmd1962 likes this.
  4. Bruce Racket

    Bruce Racket Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Washington DC
    Yeah, I was wondering what the heck that guy was doing there. He seemed way to together and self-aware to get sucked into the general madness.
  5. Efus

    Efus Senior Member

    Showing him all cleaned up would have lessened his impact in the film.
    Him and Travis were clearly drug addict souls, that would do anything to get those drugs.
    If the purpose was to portray Jon as an amoral methhead, sucked into Joe Exotic's kingdom and lifestyle.
    Then they pretty much succeeded, imo.

    Very unsurprising when toward the very end, it was mention that neither man considered themselves gay,
    In fact ol' Jon there fell in love with the park secretary, and ran off with her.
    Be interesting to know just when that happened.
    Things start falling apart for Exotic, and Jon's looking to move on...

    A lot of damaged people in this thing, and a few normal folks.

    I thought the animal guy that cut his losses with Jeff Rowe, while crude and to the point, had an idea of what was going on.
    He knew all these people, and Rowe clearly had brought him in late in this whole saga.
    He had the best line of the whole series imo as well, refering to Doc Antle,
    "I don't need you to show me how to handle animals. How do you control all these fuggin' women?!?
    GodShifter and Bruce Racket like this.
  6. Bingo Bongo

    Bingo Bongo Music gives me Eargasms

    Ottawa, Canada
    Good to hear they are releasing another episode next week..
    Vidiot and Bruce Racket like this.
  7. the pope ondine

    the pope ondine Forum Resident

    yeah I can kind of see hanging out with crazy people cause it is fascinating, but, the whole 'im gonna point a loaded pistol at you for fun' nope! ,meth and firearms are not a good mix, im amazed no one got show (aside from maybe mr baskin….and those poor lions! oh yeah....the guys who killed himself!_)
    Dan C and Bruce Racket like this.
  8. Vidiot

    Vidiot Now in 4K HDR!

    Hollywood, USA
    I need that emblazoned on a T-shirt.
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  9. kwadguy

    kwadguy Senior Member

    Cambridge, MA

    The only Joe-orbit character in the whole show who didn't seem at all crazy or off was the libertarian guy who helped him with his campaign. And, since he worked with Joe for so long, I have to imagine he's probably more off than he appeared :)
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  10. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    oh yea! true words.
  11. Bruce Racket

    Bruce Racket Forum Resident Thread Starter

    Washington DC
    Duly noted.
  12. Brenald79

    Brenald79 Forum Resident

    I wouldn’t put this in the top 1o craziest documentaries I’ve seen on Netflix and HBO in the past 12 months. There’s so many more enjoyable and crazier ones to watch.
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  13. Scotian

    Scotian Amnesia Hazed

    Finished the series. A tragic tale of a loud mouthed idiot with no self control that fell in with the wrong crowd. I thought the guy with no legs was probably a decent fellow. 7/10
    MikeInFla, formu_la and Bruce Racket like this.
  14. tlake6659

    tlake6659 Senior Member

    Such as?
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  15. Brenald79

    Brenald79 Forum Resident

    The Inventor, Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez, The Pharmacist, Screwball, How To Fix A Drug Scandal, Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened, etc.
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  16. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    do you have a problem with my post? ; ) Shifty does...
  17. razerx

    razerx Forum Resident

    So in the first few episodes there were 3 separate film crews? 1) Kirkham crew for the Exotic’s YouTube videos; 2) Kirkham’s documentary crew; 3) the current Tiger King documentary crew? I had thought the show was using Kirkham footages but he claimed they were all destroyed in the fire and he had no backups. How much of this documentary was staged?
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  18. Scope J

    Scope J Senior Member

    Evil Genius
    Bruce Racket and Brenald79 like this.
  19. tommy-thewho

    tommy-thewho Senior Member

    detroit, mi
    I watched the first 2 episodes and 1/2 of the third one.

    Got too dark for me and I quit.
    Bruce Racket and Brenald79 like this.
  20. daglesj

    daglesj Forum Resident

    Norfolk, UK

    I don't think it matters in terms of sheer entertainment.
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  21. Brenald79

    Brenald79 Forum Resident

    Exact same point I stopped watching.
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  22. SquishySounds

    SquishySounds Yo mama so fat Thanos had to snap twice.

    New York
    Considering he was into trafficking I’m surprised he didn’t get into the ‘canned hunting’ business when euthanizing his Tigers. There are plenty of people who will spend $25,000+ to shoot a Tiger and send it to the taxidermist.
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  23. Gabe Walters

    Gabe Walters Forum Resident

    He sold live cats to canned hunters in TX, if I recall correctly.
    Bruce Racket likes this.
  24. MikaelaArsenault

    MikaelaArsenault Forum Resident

    New Hampshire
  25. Saintbert

    Saintbert Forum Resident

    My main takeaway from this was that it's a brilliantly made show and a story that probably didn't need to be told but is intriguing to watch nevertheless. The "king" himself is fascinating, because he's so unapologetically himself, yet that "self" is probably as real as the singing voice. He is who he wants to be, and I think people connect with that.
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