Time Traveler liquidation sale starts Jan 2, 2010 (Cuyahoga Falls OH)

Discussion in 'Music, Movie and Hardware Store Guide' started by MikeP5877, Dec 26, 2009.

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  1. Locutus67

    Locutus67 Forum Resident

    Like the guy or not (I don't), it seems he is going under for real this time.
    All of the shelves of choice (his collection) items behind the counter were being packed up.
    As of today, everything used is 50% off & all new is 20% off. He says this will gradually increase over the next month (maybe two), then he will close.

    There's still plenty to rummage thru, but be careful - ask what the price is for unmarked stuff beforehand! I bought some unmarked vinyl a month ago when they were all $5 each. He tried charging me $8 for the same selection of stuff, then reducing it to $4.

    I still snagged an original Ozzy - Blizzard pic disc in NM shape for $12 + a bunch of obscure stuff, so it wasn't too bad a day.

    As much as I do not like the owner, I still hate to see the only independent in my town close the doors. I feel he brought this upon himself in how he treats customers, but It's still sad.
  2. rjp

    rjp Senior Member


    you are correct, it is very sad, but he truly did bring this upon himself.

    i blame it on greed, he was selling used as new, i know because i saw things i personally returned in plastic in the bins with new prices.

    he also took anything of value that he brought in and sold it on ebay instead putting on his used shelves, thus, for all intents and purposes, screwing his walk-in customers.

    and he really wasn't the most pleasant man either.

    at one, time traveler was the THE best store i'd ever been in. and that is what makes it even more sad.
  3. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member Thread Starter

    Northeast OH
    When does the Beacon Journal article come out?
  4. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

  5. Locutus67

    Locutus67 Forum Resident

    I'm going to pick up today's in a few minutes. Perhaps he cried & begged for a Sunday article to reach more people. I'll post if they print one.
  6. applebonkerz

    applebonkerz Senior Member

    Back when it was the best (selection-wise anyway), Scott did have some times when he was pleasant for the most part. Those times are long gone on both counts. As for the best store I'd ever been in for customer service and follow-thru, was his good friend Chuck at Heartbeat in Kent. A shame more of Chuck's way didn't rub off on Scott. I miss Heartbeat. Then again, maybe Scott only used to be nice to me because of Chuck.
  7. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    i'll try to get there some time in july and let you all know what the discount is then.

    anyone else form northeast ohio that gets a chance to go in, please post here what you find.

    if his sealed new CD's go to 50% off or more it could be a very lucrative trip.
  8. bw

    bw Forum Resident

    Cincinnati, OH, US
    Is Time Traveler on old Route 8, close to Rex's erection? Trying to remember this store from my Akron days....
  9. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member Thread Starter

    Northeast OH
    That's it.
  10. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    right across the street.
  11. bw

    bw Forum Resident

    Cincinnati, OH, US
    Thank you Mike. I loved Akron. I think the last time I saw that was on the way to the Hamburger Station.
  12. Chris C

    Chris C Music was my first love and it will be my last!

    For the first time in literally a year or more, I went in about a month ago, just to see what was left. There is still a lot of stuff, especially that vinyl, which I WOULDN'T TOUCH for a million bucks. I also noticed that his "private stash" was gone and I ask Scott, what did you do with that stuff, because that's the stuff that I'm most interested in. He said that he took it home, because it's only a matter of time till the landlord kicks him out and he didn't want that stuff still in there. Funny, but what he had on those shelves in his "private stash", could sell for well over anything to keep him and his family, eating steaks for quite a while. Now, even in his 11th hour, he doesn't let the long-time, walk-in customers a shot at any of it. Now, on the other hand, if you're looking for any bootleg of The Dave Clark Five, he'll be more than happy to let you have, all you want!
  13. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member Thread Starter

    Northeast OH
    I mentioned on another thread that last time I was there in July, he kindly asked me to leave because he had to lock up the store to go to the bank and deposit a check so they wouldn't turn his phone off.
  14. milankey

    milankey Forum Resident

    Kent, Ohio, USA
    what exactly is in his "private stash" that is so desirable?
  15. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    20+ years of gold discs, legit imports, box sets, and promos that he has hoarded. he has got them form the distributors (when they used to do that sort of thing) and all the trades over the years.

    there used to be at least a few thousand behind the counter.
  16. milankey

    milankey Forum Resident

    Kent, Ohio, USA
    I don't like Scott and I don't like his store. I used to be a regular customer 15-20 years ago. But he's entitled to keep his own collection if he wants to. "Hoard" is an ugly word, but I think we all do it.
  17. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    Well, true, but if you're going to actaully keep it in the store, in plain sight of customers, then refuse to sell things from it? That's just poor practice IMHO.
  18. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member Thread Starter

    Northeast OH
    I don't think I ever looked at what he had in his "Private Stash". He did have a few DCC gold discs in the bins that I got for pretty cheap.
  19. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member Thread Starter

    Northeast OH
    I happened to drive by there the other day and just couldn't bear to stop in. I think that's the first time that's ever happened in the last 15 years.
  20. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    on our last rip to akron we didn't go there either.

    hit the exchange, buybacks and the exchange in kent.

    how is he staying open?
  21. milankey

    milankey Forum Resident

    Kent, Ohio, USA
    I believe he is staying open because he got rid of all his help and if he's expecting to get thrown out, he must not be paying his rent either.
  22. MikeP5877

    MikeP5877 Senior Member Thread Starter

    Northeast OH
    Time Traveler just posted on their facebook page that they took in 1500 used CD's in "beautiful condition" and "priced to sell".
  23. hutlock

    hutlock Forever Breathing

    Cleveland, OH, USA
    Wow, really? And I wonder how many of those 1500 are going to actually appear in the store?
  24. applebonkerz

    applebonkerz Senior Member

    Just the ones that won't sell on ebay most likely.
  25. Chris C

    Chris C Music was my first love and it will be my last!

    Did a library close nearby? Are any of us collectors missing any discs in our collections? Mike, fess up, you gave him the CD's, that you had stored in your attic, didn't you?
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