Tom Verlaine of Television-RIP

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Fletch, Jan 28, 2023.

  1. Alien Reg

    Alien Reg Forum Resident

    What was he drinking?
  2. musicaner

    musicaner Forum Resident

    His books are being sold. He had thousands of books in storage.
    micpoc, linklinc11 and Putrifiers II like this.
  3. dlemaudit

    dlemaudit Forum Resident

    France, Paris area
    The magazine says he had over 50,000 books and they are being sold indeed, they give some examples of what could be found in his music section,
  4. DME1061

    DME1061 Forum Resident

    Trenton, NJ
    This is fantastic! Thanks for the info on this. I doubt it's here in the U.S. yet, but I'll be on the lookout for it. :righton:
  5. PhilBorder

    PhilBorder Senior Member

    Sheboygan, WI
    He wasn't - just standing there waiting for the opening act. Oddly either no one recognized him, or didn't want to bug him, or were too cool to approach him. I'm not burdened by those inhibitions. This was right after Marquee Moon (pre-internet) so maybe no one knew he could be... distant. I thought, 'what's the ONE question' I wanted to ask him', and it had something to do with Marquee Moon - like 'how did you start writing - it and how did you know when you had it finished'. (see I snuck in two questions!)

    He said it originally had 'like 25 verses' (I remember that clearly: 25). He might have been kidding but I imagine the basic song became the premise for his and Lloyd's explorations between verses.

    Still one of the most amazing recordings I've ever heard. Yes, the live versions can be equally transcendent but the original recording is profoundly inspired and the best imo until or unless we get a better live version decently recorded. Better than "The Blow Up. Grateful I was able to have that 2 minute conversation with him. I don't have a lot of 'heroes' and actually like Lloyds playing better. But Marquee Moon reflecting Verlaine's 'vision' would be timeless if it was released in 1970... 1990... 20203... 2057... whenever.
  6. micpoc

    micpoc Forum Resident

    New Orleans
    Yesterday, I purchased his copy of Mirrorshades, the classic cyberpunk short story anthology edited by Bruce Sterling featuring stories by Sterling, William Gibson, Greg Bear, and others. I had a paperback copy years ago that went "astray", so I am stoked to be getting a proper hardback first edition with his unique lineage attached to it.

    The two stores selling the collection are Better Read Than Dead Books in Brooklyn and Capitol Hill Books in D.C. These links go to their respective Tom Verlaine collections; more items will be added in coming weeks.
    Better Read Than Dead: Results for: Tom Verlaine Collection
    Capitol Hill: Results for: Tom Verlaine Collection
  7. musicaner

    musicaner Forum Resident

    I wonder if he actually read the books.
    Does anyone know where the money goes? He didn't have family.
  8. errant_knight

    errant_knight Full Time Dreamer

    Has anyone in the US seen the Uncut special edition out in the wild? To order it I am seeing two options, one is about $23, and the other about $28. I'm not sure it is worth that much.

  9. LandHorses

    LandHorses I contain multitudes

    New Joisey
    It could take a month sometimes for new issues to make to the states. I’m going to wait another couple of weeks and then go to Barnes & Noble.
  10. errant_knight

    errant_knight Full Time Dreamer

    Cheers, thanks.
  11. LandHorses

    LandHorses I contain multitudes

    New Joisey
    Heads up……..

    I went to a Barnes & Noble (Menlo Park Mall, NJ) on the way home from work……and they had the Television Uncut.

    So, it’s now available in the US.
  12. DME1061

    DME1061 Forum Resident

    Trenton, NJ
    Great news! I checked mine last week and they didn't have it yet. Thanks for posting this!
  13. micpoc

    micpoc Forum Resident

    New Orleans
    linklinc11 and WarEagleRK like this.
  14. Balding Jay

    Balding Jay Forum Resident

    Arlington, VA
    Make it three. Thanks for the heads-up!
  15. Talpa

    Talpa ourmaninthesouth

    kinda see slint being influenced by television. esp. verlaine's mark on david pajo [guitar]

    micpoc likes this.
  16. TeddyB

    TeddyB Senior Member

    Make that two.
    linklinc11 and micpoc like this.
  17. errant_knight

    errant_knight Full Time Dreamer

    Found it at my Barnes and Noble as well. It is very well done all around. So glad this exists.
    linklinc11 likes this.
  18. Maggie

    Maggie like a walking, talking art show

    Toronto, Canada
    Unfortunately, the stuff that everybody seems to really want (the aborted fourth Television album recordings) is probably, in actuality, rather boring. Since Tom never recorded his parts, there's no vocals, no lead guitar. So it would just be backing tracks with Jimmy Ripp on guitar.

    But there probably could be something pieced together from live recordings in the post-Lloyd era.
    zobalob and linklinc11 like this.
  19. Until any such thing might happen officially, we already have this to be able to hear new (lost 4th album) material that was being played live, right now... Enjoy!
    Earcandy Archive » Blog Archive » Television: Call Mr. Lloyd
    zobalob, OnkelHank, TeddyB and 2 others like this.

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