Why disdain for "Let It Be... Naked?"

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Strat-Mangler, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. ralph7109

    ralph7109 Forum Resident

    Franklin, TN
    Just because the original cover was bad, doesn’t mean you need to go and make it worse.
    Interesting defense though...
    Drifter likes this.
  2. Strat-Mangler

    Strat-Mangler Personal Survival Daily Record-Breaker Thread Starter

    It's an interesting bookend but I personally like the original cover, minus the shot of Ringo who appeared to be the only member not having any fun. Even George has a smile.

    I like it but there's no defending the LIBN cover. I know what they were trying to do ; suggest a complete opposite way to tackle the album's treatment by doing a negative of the cover but it just looks terrible to the eye.
    ralph7109 likes this.
  3. DRM

    DRM Forum Resident

    The cover of LIBN has never bothered me.
    Shak Cohen likes this.
  4. AFOS

    AFOS Forum Resident

    Not defending I have no strong opinion either way. Don't mind the original except for the amateurish cover.
    Just saying the original cover is also ordinary. An intern could have slapped that together in a few minutes. IMO the LIBN cover is a vast improvement.
  5. crossroads69

    crossroads69 Senior Member

    London Town
    14 years later and the debate goes on :)

    Let’s see what Apple does with Let It Be in 2020 (assuming the 50th anniversary editions continue) - I would like to see the core album remixed with more subtle use of 1970 orchestrations. And then as bonus, toss in complete session outtakes without the fudging or NR of LIBN. The best of both worlds!
  6. Classicrock

    Classicrock Senior Member

    South West, UK.
    If Giles Martin gets the task there won't be anything subtle about it. Just release the Glyn Johns 2nd mix in the intended 'Get Back' cover as a double with the original 'Let it Be' album. All cut from analogue! I think art is best left as intended and not reinvented to satisfy people with ears and minds damaged by the loudness wars. Maybe put them in a box with a nice book. Probably would be persuaded to pay £99 for that level of attention to detail.
    Six Bachelors likes this.
  7. MicSmith

    MicSmith Forum Resident

    As I see it, for all its flaws the original Let It Be is the official record of the final musical statement the band would make with all four members around to make it.

    Lacking cohesion, mutual understanding and respect, they are literally falling apart in front of our very ears. In fact it was a sanitised version of the true picture. That is how they should be remembered. It's nowhere near my favourite album the Beatles created, but they did create it. (I'm amazed they had Abbey Road in them at this point but I'm glad they did as it's infinitely superior and a credit to them.)

    Let it Be - Naked is an attempt to paper over the cracks, sanitise the truth even further and pretend that Spector was never involved. While it's worth having as an album of Beatles music it's not a true Beatles album as 2 of them were dead when it was compiled.

    There's space for both in my collection but I don't see LIBN as a substitute for LIB, just an interesting alternative version.

    By the way - the above is just my opinion. I'm not a Beatles expert just someone that likes their music and knows their basic history reasonably well.
    AlienRendel and NumberEight like this.
  8. white wolf

    white wolf Forum Resident

    United States
    This thread is probably the best argument for releasing GET BACK in it's original form. That said, I think LIBN was probably nothing more than a money grab.
  9. Strat-Mangler

    Strat-Mangler Personal Survival Daily Record-Breaker Thread Starter

    Can't see how. I'd agree with you if the differences were minor. I think we can all agree that is not the case.
  10. ralph7109

    ralph7109 Forum Resident

    Franklin, TN
    Let It Be might be one of their weaker (weakest?) covers - but you still see homages to it every so often...

    ...the LIBNaked cover is an awful piece of dreck. Pretty much any outtake picture would have been better.
  11. Arnold Grove

    Arnold Grove Senior Member

    And PLEASE make sure that this time the pages don't fall out of the book, as occurred with many (most?) of the books included in the 1970 box set of the original LP in the UK, Canada, and other locations.
    sunspot42 and phillyal1 like this.
  12. Six Bachelors

    Six Bachelors Troublemaking enthusiast

    Do you mean the reissues or people with ears damaged by the loudness wars?

    If anything, the Let It Be project made things seem worse than they probably were at the time - the film in particular.

    That said, as far as it being their final musical statement goes, it has been argued to death but I think that’s shakey ground. The Let It Be LP was compiled after one member had quit. It doesn’t really seem like the group’s final musical statement so much as the last thing they signed off on before everyone knew for sure the group was finished.
  13. NumberEight

    NumberEight Came too late and stayed too long

    Which is why they changed the picture of George on the LIBN cover:


    (Thanks to forum member gloi for posting this back in 2008)
    sunspot42 likes this.
  14. phillyal1

    phillyal1 Forum Resident

    philadelphia, pa.
    When I was a kid, I never believed that the Beatles were finished as a group when Let It Be was released . It wasn't like any of them had died :(
  15. Kim Olesen

    Kim Olesen Gently weeping guitarist.

    Odense Denmark.
    I must admit that i’ve never listened to the cover of LIBN.

    ( The musical content however i like as an alternative to LIB. )
  16. Strat-Mangler

    Strat-Mangler Personal Survival Daily Record-Breaker Thread Starter

    Yeah. Pretty terrible all around. My guess is the cover was an afterthought.
    sunspot42 likes this.
  17. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    Such a horrible album cover.
    I've seen better fan art.
    ParloFax and sunspot42 like this.
  18. Arnold Grove

    Arnold Grove Senior Member

    It was Giles Martin's fault ... ;)
    theMess and Somerset Scholar like this.
  19. dewey02

    dewey02 Forum Resident

    The mid-South.
    theMess, Keith V, Zeki and 6 others like this.
  20. alexpop

    alexpop Power pop + other bad habits....

    Like this thread ...let it be. :)
    dewey02 likes this.
  21. muffmasterh

    muffmasterh Forum Resident

    East London U.K
    check the sold listings and see how many actually sold for 200 .... there may be one of course, always is.
  22. majorlance

    majorlance Forum Resident

    PATCO Speedline
    In no way was I advocating autotuning JL's voice. :doh:
    And judging by the "likes," other forum members appear to have had no trouble understanding this.

    However, we are talking about the man who (for "Tomorrow Never Knows") wanted to be suspended from a rope in the middle of the studio with a mike in the middle of the floor, then given a push so he could sing as he whirled around the room. So while JL had little need for autotuning, I can't help but think he would at least have experimented with it as an effect.
    theMess, Paul H and sunspot42 like this.
  23. bob chabot

    bob chabot chab

    florence, mass
    love the let it be cover. poster hangs framed in my rec room!
    theMess and Drifter like this.
  24. 500Homeruns

    500Homeruns Peaceful Punk

    Lehigh Valley, PA
    I like what I hear streaming from Google Play Music. Anybody know the best place to get a nice vinyl copy of Let It Be...Naked? Is there going to be a repress now that it on all of the streaming services?
  25. Sear

    Sear Dad rocker

    Tarragona (Spain)
    It doesn't matter what Paul says, the orchestra on The long and winding road fits perfectly

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