Would would your single disc Use Your Illusion look like?

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Zoot Marimba, Sep 18, 2016.

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  1. Zoot Marimba

    Zoot Marimba And I’m The Critic Of The Group Thread Starter

    Savannah, Georgia
    Since we are on the 25th anniversary of this double album, I wanted to know what a single disc from you look like.
  2. Raf

    Raf Senior Member

    Toronto, Ontario
  3. SizzleVonSizzleton

    SizzleVonSizzleton The Last Yeti

    For all twenty five years of owning these albums I've never actually taken the time to pare them down to a single album and I certainly haven't thought out a running order.

    Most of the absolute must have songs are from II. Civil War, 14 Years, Yesterdays, Breakdown (best song on either album), Pretty Tied Up, Locomotive, Estranged, and You Could Be Mine.

    There's very little, and maybe even nothing, that I would have to have from Use Your Illusion I. There are good songs on there, but nowhere near the caliber of what they put on II. From Illusion I I guess I would have to put Coma, Right Next Door To Hell, Dust N' Bones, Don't Cry and maybe The Garden.

    I think that would get up around 80 minutes.
  4. kippenhok

    kippenhok Forum Resident

    The 'Sample Your Illusion' does the trick of summarizing the album in about 45 minutes very well. Tracks:

    1. You Could be Mine
    2. Don't Cry
    3. November Rain
    4. Bad Obsession
    5. Civil War
    6. Double Talkin' Jive
    7. Estranged.
    squittolo likes this.
  5. ukrules

    ukrules Forum Resident

    25 years later...I find this still a compelling release. I saw them live in 1991 right before this was released. I recall being impressed how much more "depth" there was to the music especially with the addition of piano. It is essentially a quadruple album (about 150 minutes). Sure, they could have pared it down to a single CD...but how boring would that be, eh? GnR never did (or does) things small so this release matched their epic nature. Heck, that tour lasted about 2 1/2 years! I usually run through it and choose half the songs on each CD...I have my favorites, but give others a shot from time-to-time. It's a hard rock classic IMHO. Moreover, GnR are probably the last great "classic rock" band.
  6. DTK

    DTK Forum Resident

    I would start with leaving off November Rain (bleeeeacch), Knocking on Heaven"s Door, Live and Let Die and My World.
    Jonboy likes this.
  7. Jonboy

    Jonboy Forum Resident

    Cape Town
    Mine is constantly evolving - at the moment it looks like this:

    You Could Be Mine
    Perfect Crime
    Don't Cry
    Dust N Bones
    Civil War

    14 Years
    Bad Obsession
    Double Talkin' Jive

    I call it Use My Illusion... :D
    Clanceman and squittolo like this.
  8. pop_music_matters

    pop_music_matters Active Member

    North America
    OT: I want to hear the QSound mixes.
  9. Use_Your_Koala

    Use_Your_Koala Forum Resident

    Awful, half-assed, stupid compilation.
    Zoot Marimba and For the Record like this.
  10. drbryant

    drbryant Senior Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    Oh my! Axl is that you?
    Jonboy likes this.
  11. Jonboy

    Jonboy Forum Resident

    Cape Town
    Get in the ring mutha*****!!!!! :D
  12. For the Record

    For the Record Forum Resident

    Ontario Canada
    It would LOOK like this...

    Unfortunately, I can't whittle it down to 1 CD. I like all the content so much. Except maybe Don't Cry (Alt Lyrics) and My World I could live without.
  13. Use_Your_Koala

    Use_Your_Koala Forum Resident

    Ahah no.

    But you don't need to be Axl to witness the stupidity of this compilation.
  14. Use_Your_Koala

    Use_Your_Koala Forum Resident

    They are "out there".
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